HONEY APPLE CAKE (Dairy-Free: No Milk, No Butter, No Kidding) from Cleo Coyle

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From Cleo Coyle: This is a wonderful cake, tender and delectably delicious. I use raw honey for the best flavor. As for the type of apple, I like Golden Delicious for this cake—not to be confused with Red Delicious. Golden Delicious apples are slightly sweet and buttery and a very nice apple for baking. 

This tender, mouthwatering cake is an excellent treat for coffee and tea breaks, especially during apple season. Keep reading this post to see my step-by-step photos and get a bonus recipe for dairy-free whipped cream. 

To download my recipe now in a free PDF that you can print, save, or share, click here.

To see the full recipe post, scroll down or hit the "read more" link and...

🍏 Happy Apple Season, Everyone!

~ Cleo

Cleo Coyle's Prize Package Giveaway (Signed Book, Tote, and Lavender Honey!)

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 This is a special THANK YOU blog post giveaway for
subscribers to Cleo Coyle's 
Free Coffeehouse Newsletter...

Marc and I are giving thanks to our readers for giving so much sweet support to our brand-new (20th!) Coffeehouse Mystery title, BULLETPROOF BARISTA. The story has plenty of suspenseful twists, intriguing turns, and funny and endearing moments with our beloved cast of Coffeehouse characters. It also takes on a few hot button topics, and we hope you all get a chance to read it. 

In this giveaway post, we are offering a fun Coffeehouse grand prize package featuring a signed copy of our previous title, HONEY ROASTED, in its new paperback edition with a sturdy, canvas Coffeehouse tote bag, a signed collection of Cleo recipe cards, and a gourmet bottle of the "monofloral" lavender honey that we featured in Honey Roasted's storyline (we're throwing in a honey dipper, too).

ONE WINNER will recieve the Grand Prize Package

ONE WINNER will receive the signed book,
tote, and recipe cards!

This giveaway is for readers
who subscribe to our newsletter.

And we hope you all get a 
chance to enjoy our brand-new
Coffeehouse Mystery Bulletproof Barista!

To join our publication celebration, 
click here join us on Facebook.

To Enter our Giveaway,
you must be a subscriber 

Scroll to the end of
this post to learn more....

Or click here or on the
"Read More" link below...

New Foodie Posts To Come

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 Keep in touch with Cleo 
so you don't miss her new
foodie posts.

Subscribe to Cleo's free Newsletter by clicking on the cup below...

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& receive some of Cleo's

You can also follow Cleo on:

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Cleo Coyle's HAUNTED BOOKSHOP Prize Package Giveaway (2 Signed Books, Tote, and More!)

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 This is a special GIVEAWAY post for
subscribers to Cleo Coyle's 
Free Newsletter...

Marc and I are celebrating some wonderful news about our Haunted Bookshop Mysteries. Our newest title, THE GHOST GOES TO THE DOGS, just published in May has surpassed last fall's release, THE GHOST AND THE STOLEN TEARS in rate of sale, and STOLEN TEARS is already in a second printing!

Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery series
with her huband.
To learn more click here.
We can't thank our readers enough for your kind support of our work. And if you haven't yet read one or both of these entertaining books, the fall season is a great time to catch up on our Jack's hilarious brand of hard-boiled haunting.

As for our long-running Coffeehouse Mystery series, we're excited to report that our publisher is releasing our 19th entry, HONEY ROASTED (3 Best of Year Lists), in a new paperback editon this October. And...

gif courtesy Giphy

Our brand-new (20th!) Coffeehouse title, BULLETPROOF BARISTA 
will be published this November 2023, marking the 20th Anniversary since our very first Coffeehouse title, ON WHAT GROUNDS, was published in the fall of 2003.

As for Bulletproof BaristaClare Cosi's latest crime-solving adveture is a fun and fast-paced murder mystery. An early reviewer called it an "edge of your seat read," and we cannot wait for you for read it. In the meantime, we wish everyone a beautiful fall season...

Click here to learn more
about our Haunted Bookshop world.


Our Prize Packages includes
autographed copies of our two
newest Haunted Bookshop Mysteries:

A "Jack is Back!" tote bag and
tasty collection of Cleo recipe cards...

Scroll to the end of
this post
to learn
how to enter!

Pumpkin Spice Soul Cakes from Cleo Coyle ~ Happy #Halloween

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Here is a tasty twist on an old tradition. Soul cakes are the culinary antecedent to the candy treats we give out on Halloween night, a custom originally connected with the church’s All Souls' Day (for more on that history, scroll down below my recipe). 

Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery
 series with her husband.
To learn more, click here.

Depending on the region and time period, soul cakes came in many variations. Most included spices and dried fruits with a cross on top. I had fun with this "soul cake" concept and created my own pumpkin spice version. Th
e combo of pumpkin and vegetable oil (instead of butter) creates soul cakes that are moister and lighter than traditional versions. The pumpkin adds fiber and nutrition too. 

Like pumpkin muffin tops, these soul cakes make a delicious breakfast or coffee-break snack. Sandwich two together for a fall whoopie pie, filling them with cream cheese, cream cheese frosting, or even marshmallow creme.

May you eat them with joy &
as the "Soul Cake" song says...
May God bless you!

~ Cleo

To download this recipe 
in a PDF document that 
you can print, save, 
or share, CLICK HERE.

Click here or on the image above
for Cleo's recipe in PDF form.



How to Make a Virgin Sangria and Amuse Your Cat by Author Cleo Coyle

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That cute little cat (photo-boming my foodie pic) is Durango, one of our many rescued New York Strays. In this post, you will find out how he turned a peach into a beach ball, while I turned one into a tasty drink.

Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery
series with her husband.
To learn more, click here.

🍑  If you're feeling hot under the collar these days, you are not alone. We have at least one solution for you: a wonderfully refreshing and hydrating recipe. It's also a great way to use extra fruit in your fridge that may be getting a little too ripe.

Why virgin? A white wine sangria is delicious, but on a workday, I prefer that my fingers hit my laptop keyboard rather than my forehead, which means no firewater until the day is done.

A virgin sangria is also a good idea for households with kids because it can be converted into an adult beverage at the time it's poured, which means one pitcher can conveniently serve drinkers and non-drinkers alike.

Click here for Cleo's recipe PDF.

To download this recipe in a free 
PDF that you can print, save, or share, click here.

To read the whole recipe post and see more of my cat Durango photo-bombing my foodie pics, scroll down or click here...

Cleo Coyle's HONEY ROASTED Prize Package Giveaway (Signed Book, Tote, and More!)

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 This is a special THANK YOU blog post giveaway for
subscribers to Cleo Coyle's 
Free Coffeehouse Newsletter...

arc and I are giving thanks to our readers this week after our editor shared happy news about our latest Coffeehouse Mystery, HONEY ROASTED, which earned out its advance in record time, making it the fastest selling Coffeehouse Mystery that we've ever published (and earning us a bonus). 

Our editor is thrilled, and we are incredibly grateful to those of you who've supported our work. We can't thank you enough. 

Our next Coffeehouse adventure,
BULLETPROOF BARISTA, will be released November 2023, and it is so much fun! We love the story, and we hope you will, too. In the meantime, we wish all of you peace & joy this holiday season...

To join our online celebration, 
click here to jump to our Facebook post.

To Enter our Giveaway,
you must be a subscriber 
to our Free E-Newsletter. 

Scroll to the end of
this post to learn more....

Easy Cherry Streusel Pastry Cake + Book & Tote Giveaway from author Cleo Coyle

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Truth? I have never been a big fan of Valentine's Day. When I was a singleton, I felt left out. As part of a couple (though I do dearly love my husband), I find the whole holiday somewhat forced. Not that it's a bad idea to enrich hardworking chocolatiers, restaurateurs, and greeting card companies. The economy can use as much activity as earnest sweethearts can give it!

On the other hand, I can't help thinking of the many people who are not in the hearts and flowers mood this week. If you are among them, I'm here to help (if only a little) by suggesting...

(#1) We include our beloved pets in the
"Valentine Sweetheart" category and...

(#2) We indulge in little baking therapy. 


To continue reading my Valentine
recipe post 
click here (or scroll down).

How to Make an Easy Spiced Apple Spoonbread by Cleo Coyle

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A modern twist on a historic recipe. The homey taste of apple pie spice and fresh shredded apple come together in this easy recipe to create a tasty bread pudding, perfect for chilly winter mornings, afternoon snacking, or even an after-dinner dessert. 

Serve it with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup for a tasty alternative to pancakes or waffles. For an after-dinner dessert, try plating the warm pudding with a scoop of ice cream and maybe a boozy splash of Baileys or another liqueur. Whipped cream and fresh berries would also be delicious. 
Click here for Cleo's
Free Recipe PDF.
And don't forget that hot pot of coffee or tea to warm your bones while you're waiting to...

Eat with joy! 💗☕

~ Cleo

To download my recipe now in a free
PDF document that you can print,
save, or share, click here

To continue reading this post,
scroll down or click

A Central Park Walking Tour with author Cleo Coyle

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Pop Quiz: Where was the above photo taken?

A. New Hampshire

B. Vermont

C. Central Park

Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery
 series with her husband.
To learn more, click here.

Okay, so my post title gave it away, but could you have guessed otherwise? Central park is landscape magic. It makes an entire city disappear. And when the city is New York, that's saying something.

Join me and my husband, Marc, as we take a scenic walk through Central Park. This wasn't just any stroll. It was location research for our bestselling Coffeehouse Mystery Once Upon a Grind.

If you've read our book, then you may recognize some of the landmarks and settings we used from the park: Belvedere Castle, the Ramble, Oak Bridge, and more...

So here we go. I hope you enjoy this virtual trip to our nation's first major landscaped public park (videos included). To read the rest of this post, scroll down, or click here...

Easy July 4th Fireworks Flag Cake plus 3 Tips on Frosting Any Cake by Cleo Coyle

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The red, white, and blue American flag cake is a fun July Fourth tradition in the USA, enjoyed at backyard cookouts throughout the land. This Fireworks Cake is my version of it. 

Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery
 series with her husband.
To learn more, click here

There is a wonderful "wow" factor to it, especially after you cut it, yet it's easy to create, practically a klutz-proof design, making it a great project for families with children. 

To see my entire recipe post, scroll down or hit this link

Click here to download this
recipe in a free PDF document.

To download the free PDF right now, click here and have a delicious July 4th, everyone! 

~ Cleo Coyle, author of The Coffeehouse Mysteries

How to Make No-Churn Coffee Ice Cream (No Machine, No kidding) by Cleo Coyle

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Like a sweet, cold edible coffee, the flavor of our favorite beverage permeates this no-machine ice cream. It's a smooth, cooling treat in the summer heat...

This "no-churn" recipe is 
Click here for the Free Recipe PDF.

incredibly easy to make, requires no cooking, no eggs, and no machine. Yet it yields creamy, smooth, amazingly delicious results. 

To download our recipe now in a PDF document, click here.

To see the rest of this post and its foodie photos, scroll down or click here or on the Read More link below. 

~ Cleo Coyle, author of The Coffeehouse Mysteries

Little Cherry Clafoutis: A Dessert Inspired by the VS Orient Express from Cleo Coyle

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This classic French dessert originated from the Limousin region of France, and Chef Christian Bodiguel described it as one of his favorites, which is why he served it on the famous VS-Orient Express. The luxury train line has a new executive chef now, but a few years ago, Chef Bodiguel shared his recipe online, which I slightly adapted into the version below. 

Click here or on the image above
for Cleo's free recipe PDF.

With cherry season upon us, this a great time to bake up these treats. At other times of the year, frozen cherries can be used in place of fresh (see my instructions below). And in an American pinch, you can even try blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries.

In the meantime, Marc and I wish you all the best for the season's eatings.

May you eat (and travel) with joy! 

~ Cleo

 To download my recipe now in a free
PDF document that you can print,
save, or share, click here

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