Light Peach Muffins from author Cleo Coyle

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These tasty muffins are packed with fresh peach flavor. Marc and I often eat them drizzled with a little honey. They are truly amazing that way. If you prefer to make them lower in fat, use 1% or 2% milk. For a richer tasting muffin, go with whole milk, half-and-half, or cream. The higher the fat content of your milk, the richer your peach muffins will taste. 
Cleo Coyle has a partner in
crime-writing—her husband.
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Either way, bring out that local, raw honey (the best tasting and best for you), put on a pot of coffee or tea, slip a pan of these babies in the oven, and get ready to eat with joy! ~ Cleo

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Cleo Coyle's (Light)
Peach Muffins 

Makes 6 standard muffins


1 cup diced ripe peaches (for yellow peaches that’s 2 medium or 1 large) 

1 egg 

1/2 cup low fat milk (1% or 2% milk gives us good results;
      for richer muffins use whole milk, half-and-half, or cream)

2 tablespoons vegetable or virgin coconut oil

5 tablespoons white, granulated sugar

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt (or 1/8 teaspoon table salt)

(optional) ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 cup all-purpose flour

(optional) A little "Sugar in the Raw" (aka turbinado or demeraraor another coarse finishing sugar to sprinkle on before baking


Step 1 - Prep oven, pan, and peaches: Preheat oven to 375º Fahrenheit. Line six muffin cups with paper holders and lightly coat them with non-stick spray. Choose ripe peaches. (The flesh should be soft in your mouth, not crunchy.) Peel the peaches and dice the flesh into small, uniform pieces (as shown below).

Step 2 - Create batter with one bowl mixing method: 
Crack egg into a mixing bowl and gently beat with a whisk. Add milk, oil, sugar, vanilla, and salt and whisk until well blended. If adding cinnamon, whisk in well. Now add baking powder and whisk very well, until dissolved. Switching to a spoon or spatula, mix in the flour until all the raw flour disappears into the batter and a lumpy batter forms. Do not over-mix at this stage or you will develop the gluten in the flour and your muffins will be tough instead of tender. Finally, fold in the diced peaches.

Step 3 - Bake: This batter will make 6 standard muffins. Divide it up evenly among your paper-lined (and lightly sprayed) muffin cups. If using a finishing sugar, sprinkle it on the unbaked muffin tops at this time. Bake in a well-preheated 375º F. oven for 25 to 30 minutes. 

Remove the muffins from hot pans as soon as they leave the oven. The muffins will be pale. If using a finishing sugar, the tops will be more golden brown. 

Toothpick method for de-panning hot muffins: If you leave fresh-baked muffins in their hot pans, the bottoms may steam and become tough. Here's an easy way to remove hot muffins fast. See my photos below...

Gently insert a toothpick on each side of the muffin. Take care not create visible holes. You're inserting them in the muffin sides, below the visible muffin tops. 

Use the toothpicks as handles and carefully lift the muffin from the pan. This is a fast, efficient way to get the muffins out of their hot pan without squishing or flattening them. Place on a rack to continue cooling.

Storing: Once the muffins are completely cool, wrap them in plastic and store them in the refrigerator. A little honey, a cuppa joe or tea, and you're set.

Click here to download
this recipe in PDF form, and...

Eat with peachy joy!

Eat (and read) with joy!

New York Times bestselling author
of The Coffeehouse Mysteries and
Haunted Bookshop Mysteries

Cleo (Alice) with her husband Marc

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